Compostable Cups: What You Need to Know

Disposable cups are a major source of waste, contributing to landfills and pollution. Compostable cups are a more sustainable alternative that can help reduce our environmental impact.

Compostable Cups: A Sustainable Alternative to Plastic Cups

Compostable Cups: A Sustainable Alternative to Plastic Cups

Compostable cups are made from materials that can be broken down into organic matter in a compost facility. These materials include paper, cornstarch, and plant-based fibers....

Types of Compostable Cups

  • Paper cups: Paper cups are the most common type of compostable cup. They are made from paper that is coated with a compostable material, such as cornstarch or PLA.
  • Plant-based cups: Plant-based cups are made from materials that are derived from plants, such as cornstarch, sugarcane, or bamboo.

Why are Compostable Cups Better for the Environment?

Compostable cups are a better choice for the environment than traditional disposable cups for several reasons. First, they don't contribute to landfills. When compostable cups are placed in a compost facility, they break down into organic matter that can be used to enrich soil. Second, compostable cups help reduce pollution. They don't release harmful chemicals or greenhouse gases when they break down.

How to Compost Compostable Cups

Compostable cups can be composted in a commercial compost facility or at home. If you are composting compostable cups at home, you will need to make sure that your compost pile or bin is hot enough to break down the cups. The ideal temperature for composting compostable cups is between 135 and 160 degrees Fahrenheit.


Compostable cups are a sustainable alternative to traditional disposable cups. They are a great way to reduce our environmental impact and help create a cleaner planet.

Compostable PLA Cups